If you're anywhere in the midwest then you know it's been RAINING FOR WEEKS. Yesterday the forecast changed by the hour, with the storm getting pushed back each hour. It didn't start raining until I was literally in my vehicle driving to James and Elise's session. There aren't many couples that would be down for a rainy day session and most would ask to reschedule, but not these two. Somehow right before we started to shoot the rain stopped, but the oh so dreamy overcast clouds stayed. Overcast clouds are the BEST for sessions.
1. It gives such a fun moody background to every photo.
2. You don't have to squint!
3. Less likely to get a sunburn. [Elise knows what I mean!]

I loved spending some time with these two and learning more about them. It made me even more excited for their intimate downtown wedding later this year. Here are a few of my favorites from our trip to Brics and walk along the trail.
Special thanks to Brics! Always yummy and their staff is so friendly!